What is Salvia Divinorum?
Salvia divinorum is a psychoactive plant and is probably the only legally way to get high. Since the public has become more aware of the plant, which originates from Southern Mexico, because of the rise of the internet in the 1990’s, more people are selling and buying Salvia than ever before. However, unless you are well informed on this plant, which is known to produce psychedelic sensations, meaning if you are a new user or have only used Salvia a few times, you may be unsure has to how to purchase this plant. The only way to truly obtain the best plant (or plant extract, etc…) is to be well educated about it.
One of the first and most important factors to consider before purchasing Salvia is if there are any laws or regulations concerning the purchase, use, and distribution of this plant in your region. For the majority of the world, Salvia is still legal; however, in certain regions, states, and countries there are laws and regulations prohibiting or controlling the use of Salvia. A few states in the USA have even made this plant a controlled substance. Therefore, it is best to know what is legal in the area you live in before you purchase this substance.
The next thing to consider is how you want to use the Salvia, as this can determine what type or form you will need to purchase. Generally, there are three popular ways of using Salvia and they are as follows:
· Chewing and Swallowing: This entails taking a bundle of Salvia leaves and chewing them in your mouth. Your mouth actually absorbs the properties of the plant that are psychedelic, thus swallowing the plant is not effective.
· Smoking: This entails taking dried Salvia leaves or salvia extract and putting them into a pipe or a water pipe and smoking them. For the best results, you will need a very hot flame, hotter than a regular flame.
· Vaporization: This entails using pure salvinorin A, Salvia extract, or even the powdered form of the leaf to a very high temperature, which turns into a gas to be inhaled.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
What is Salvia Divinorum?
How to purchase Salvia
How to purchase Salvia
Once you know how you want to use the Salvia, you can begin your search for a Salvia seller. This part of learning how to purchase Salvia entails researching and comparing a few different sellers, especially if you are ordering online. You need to consider the companies history, reputation, customer service, delivery speed, and customer satisfaction. One other thing to note is how the Salvia is extracted. A Crude extraction may be inconsistent in its potency, will have containments (from the extraction product) such as tar, waxes, and even oils, and many crude extractions include types of toxic solvents, which have been known to stay on the Salvia. Now, standard Salvia extractions are more expensive; however, they are also the purest and healthiest for you. With a standard Salvia extraction, there are not any chemicals or other products used and, moreover, you will always get good quality Salvia with standard extractions.
The Different Ways to Use Salvia
The Different Ways to Use Salvia
Originally from Mazateca Mexico, the psychedelic herb Salvia, also known as salvia divinorum, had at least two known traditional methods of how it was used. The first way was known as infusion. The infusion process consisted of taking two, raw salvia leaves, rubbing them together, and then squeezing the leaves until the juices came out. The salvia juices were then mixed with water and ingested. Infusion is thought to be the least effective method of usage because the components that create the psychedelic effects of Salvia are not water soluble. Therefore, it is believed that achieving the effects of this plant are not because of the plant being in the stomach, but rather from the absorption of the plant while it is in the mouth.
The second way that salvia was used, traditionally and modernly, was through chewing and/or swallowing the plant. This process consisted of rolling the herb/plant into a small bundle, chewing the herb/plant up, and then possibly swallowing it. It is stated that, if you can handle the bitter taste that can lead to nausea, that chewing is one of the most effective, long lasting ways to achieve the effects of Salvia. However, actually swallowing the Salvia has been proven to be ineffective because it is “deactivated” when it enters the stomach (gastrointestinal system). Hence, when chewing is the chosen form of usage, the plant is usually held in the mouth as long as possible so that it can be absorbed as much as possible.
While chewing has been a traditional and modern way to ingest or use Salvia, there are other, more popular ways to use this plant. Smoking dried Salvia leaves is probably one of the most popular forms of usage today. However, there is a slight issue with smoking Salvia leaves. In order to release the salvirion, which is what is inhaled to achieve the psychedelic effects, the temperature of the heat or flame applied to the leaves needs to be very high. Moreover, it has been stated that using only dried and/or crushed Salvia leaves does not produce a very strong effect; therefore, it is best to use Salvia extract, which greatly reduces the amount of smoke you would need to inhale to achieve results. Many people use a water pipe to smoke salvia, so as to cool the smoke before they inhale it.
One last way to use or ingest salvia is through vaporization. This process consists of bringing either pure salvinorin A, the Salvia extract, or even the powdered form of the leaf to a very high temperature, without actually catching salvinorin on fire, and turning the salvinorin into a gas to be inhaled. This is known to be slightly less damaging to your lungs because you are not inhaling smoke or carbon monoxide as with smoking dried salvia leaves, but rather inhaling a gas. Currently, there are not any vaporizers made specifically for Salvia products or extracts; however, it is very easy to construct vaporizers at home. The effects of vaporization are known to be very strong.
The Controversy Surrounding Salvia
The Controversy Surrounding Salvia
The use of Salvia divinorum, also known as Salvia, “Diviners Sage” or “Sage of the Seers”, the “shepherdess herb”, “Sally-D”, “Ska Pastora”, and “Yerba de Maria”, is just now becoming popular in the modern Western world. However, as the awareness of this psychoactive plant has risen, so has the controversy surrounding the use of this plant. Although it is not FDA (federal food administration) approved, Salvia is still legal throughout most of the globe, with the exception of a few areas that have regulations surrounding this plant or have made Salvia a “controlled substance”. This remaining legality surrounding the use, distribution, and purchasing of Salvia is what causes the ongoing controversy. To understand this controversy, it is wise to consider the effects of using Salvia.
Salvia divinorum is a plant/herb that produces psychedelic effects and/or sensations, which originates from Mexico. Some of the most common side effects associated with Salvia include visions of the past, sensations of movement, sensations of merging with other objects, uncontrolled laughter, un-coordination, and feeling as if you are in a tunnel. The intensity of these psychedelic effects varies according to the dosage taken, how the Salvia is taken, and the individual. These very side effects of using Salvia have parents, politicians, and even the media concerned about its usage and the legality of its usage.
Originally, Salvia was used by Shamans in Mexico to help induce visions during healing sessions, which were mainly focused on healing spiritually. Today, many people use Salvia to help induce more intense meditations, to deepen sensations of being in touch with themselves and the universe, and to enjoy the sometimes calming effect that Salvia can produce. Yet, some politicians and parents are comparing Salvia to “pot” or “LSD”. Some people even go as far as to say that Salvia can lead to suicide because one boy in the United States apparently killed himself sometime after experimenting with the psychoactive plant. However, there have never been any findings that Salvia, no matter how it is taken, has any long term effects. Moreover, through out this controversy as to if Salvia should be made illegal, it is never mentioned the differences between LSD and Salvia. While there are some similarities, LSD is known to last more than 7 hours; however, Salvia is known to last only a few minutes (when smoked), without any lasting effects.
The controversy still stands, though, as to if the sale and use of Salvia should be made illegal. Many times though, the people who are aware of this plant are not aware of the facts. These facts are that Salvia is not known to be addictive, when used in proper dosages there are not any adverse side effects, smoking Salvia is not anymore damaging to your lungs then smoking cigarettes, and, when taken properly (not driving or handling sharp objects while using it) Salvia is not know to be harmful to ones health. While this plant/herb is still be sold and used and as the public becomes more aware of the plant, one can be sure that this controversy will only grow.
Salvia Extract: A Brief History
Salvia Extract: A Brief History
Salvia divinorum, maybe better known as “Diviners Sage” or “Sage of the Seers”, is a plant with a long, somewhat unknown, history, that has been used for years as a way to produce visions and such for Mazateca Shamans during healing sessions, especially those focused on spiritual healing. Native to specific areas in Mexico, such as Mazateca, salvia divinorum is an herb, legal or at least not controlled in any fashion in most areas of the world, which produces psychedelic effects. These effects, which are unique to the person taking the saliva divinorum and the dosage they are taking, can include, but is not limited to the following:
* Being uncoordinated
* Feeling as if you are moving
* Feeling as if you are in more than one place at once or that you have traveled to a different place
* Laughter
* Hallucinations/visions, such as being in a tunnel, seeing tube like shapes, etc…
* Improved self confidence
* A feeling of things being surreal
The exact origin of salvia divinorum is unknown, but, as stated above, it is linked back to certain areas of Mexico where many Indians are still using this psychoactive herb to induce shamanic visions and to treat many common ailments. It was not until the late 1930’s that this plant, now commonly known as salvia extract, was discovered by a group of people who were interested in the “magical cures, plants, and remedies” used in Mexico. Still, even with the salvia divinorum being found in the 1930’s, it would not become a modern herb/drug until its “modern discovery in the 1960’s”. Then, in 1983, Leander J. Vald would begin writing a book about this herb, which would become the basis of all the current knowledge and information currently known about salvia divinorum.
In the 1990’s, the age of the internet, the salvia herb began to rise in popularity in both public use/awareness and as a product being sold online because it was rediscovered, once again, and its psychedelic nature was made known. Today, this hallucinogenic plant has many different names such as the “shepherdess herb”, “Sally-D”, “Ska Pastora”, and “Yerba de Maria”. This plant/herb can be found online and off in a variety of forms, but mainly as dried leaves or extracts. It is very rare that you will find someone willing to sell fresh salvia leaves. The only other option of obtaining this product is to grow it at home.
It is stated that purchasing and using the extracts are the best and most popular way to obtain the psychedelic effects of the salvia because you do not have to use as much of the salvia this way and the effects are reported as being much stronger. While there are no known long term effects of using salvia, there are many cautions against using this herb while operating vehicles or machinery, using large amounts or pure salvinorin, etc… As with any drug, such as alcohol, normal precautions should be taken while using salvia.
Grow or Buy Salvia?
Grow or Buy Salvia?
It does not matter if you are an experienced Salvia user or if you have just heard about this psychoactive herb, you may wonder if it is better to purchase Salvia divinorum or to grow it yourself. There are mixed opinions as to which way is better; therefore it really up to each individual if buying or growing Salvia is better. In order to decide this, it is crucial to be fully informed about Salvia, the laws surrounding it, and be aware of common facts about growing and buying this plant. Probably the most important factors to consider are the laws. While technically, Salvia divinorum is legal just about everywhere, specific regions/states/countries do have rulings or laws concerning how this plant is obtained. For instance, a few states in the USA have made it illegal to buy and distribute Salvia and countries across the globe have some regulations concerning this plant. Knowing exactly what laws the area you are living in has concerning the use, purchasing, growing, and distributing of Salvia is the first step in deciding how to obtain this psychoactive plant.
Past knowing what laws and regulations surround Salvia, it is important to consider the simple facts around buying and growing it. It is stated that anyone, anywhere can grow this plant, but, there are a few things to consider before starting this endeavor. It is important to note that Salvia plants cannot withstand extreme cold or drought. These plants are best grown in rich, moist soil and in a hot, humid climate. While growing these plants seems easy enough, there is still the issue of actually being able to use the Salvia. It is not too difficult to harvest and even dry salvia leaves, however, there is still the options of having Salvia extracts and pure Salvinorin A. Growing Salvia takes a lot of time and dedication on your part and may be a good idea if you love the psychedelic sensations this plant produces. However, if you are a first time user of Salvia, it might be better to purchase some “high-end salvia” for your first experience because if you do not like the sensations, you have not wasted time and money growing the plant.
Purchasing Salvia divinorum is ideal for many people for a vast amount of reasons. Not only is there a wide market that focuses on Salvia available, but there are numerous choices as to what form of this herb to purchase. Moreover, through purchasing the Salvia, especially online, you are able to research different people and/or business selling it in order to find the most potent Salvia available. In addition, it is easier to purchase pure forms of Salvinorin A to use with the vaporization method. Buying this psychoactive plant online also means that if you do not like the sensations or effects associated with it, you have only wasted a small amount of money and; you would not be so fortunate if you were to grow your own. Essentially, it all comes down to personal choice and experience as to if buying or growing Salvia is the better choice.